Cameron’s Smile Brachial Plexus Palsy Support Group assists parents, children and adults affected by brachial plexus injuries meet the specific challenges related to this injury and helps them realize the best quality of life. Our goal is to connect with these individuals to promote awareness, explore various treatment options, share information regarding these injuries and to provide support to one another. We connect through support group meetings, newsletters, and emails.

We will meet on the 2nd Tuesday of the following months in 2009: January, March, May, July, September and November from 6:00 pm -7:30 pm.

Each meeting is held in the private dining area of the cafeteria at St. Louis Children’s Hospital. Refreshments are provided and children are welcome.

Cameron’s Smile BPI Support has two annual events, a brachial plexus palsy benefit dinner in April and a family picnic in October.

Contact Information: Anise Braggs 314.920.1415 or email