Request an Appointment

Initial evaluation

The initial evaluation consists of a physical therapy consult and an appointment with Dr. Roland, in which he examines the patient and reviews the medical history and pelvic and spine x-rays with the patient/family. A head MRI may be requested before or after the initial evaluation. Bring all assistive devices to your appointment (braces, walker, crutches).

Subsequent evaluation 

Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)

An MRI scan can show damage to the area of the brain that controls the motor systems, which causes cerebral palsy (CP). This information helps predict how well the patient will walk after selective dorsal rhizotomy (SDR). Occasionally, an MRI is done after the initial evaluation to determine candidate selection.

Preoperative Physical Therapy Assessment 

Range of motion, muscle tone, gait, and functional skills are videotaped on the day prior to surgery during a 1½ hour session. This provides an objective measure of the patient's preoperative state, which can be compared with postoperative progress videotaped at the four and 16-month visits. Patients should bring all assistive devices (braces, splints, walkers, crutches, and canes) and are asked to wear a bathing suit or shorts during videotaping.

For more information on the cerebral palsy treatment team at St. Louis Children's Hospital, call us at 314.454.KIDS (5437) or 800.678.KIDS (5437) or email us to request an appointment.