Sharing wellness stories from our children to yours. Serving the health needs for all children and families across 50 states and over 80 countries.

Mom Docs

Should I consider oral immunotherapy for my child with a peanut allergy?

Food allergies are very common in children. In fact, between 0.5-3% of children are reported to have peanut or tree ...

Mom Docs

Mouthguards for Kids: Protect That Smile

Spring is here, and many of our kids are getting ready for new sports. This means new protective gear, including ...

Expert Advice

Safe Sleep for Babies: Ways to Prevent SIDS in Infants 0-12 Months

Understanding safe sleep best practices will greatly reduce your baby’s risk of suffering a sleep-related infant death, like sudden infant ...

Mom Docs

What Your Child Can Learn From Caring for a Pet

Has your child been asking for a pet? It’s a big decision to introduce a pet into the family. Pets ...

Mom Docs

Toilet Training Your Toddler: Strategy, Not Tactics

For months now, I’ve been telling myself that I am about to experience the magical ease of toilet training my ...

Mom Docs

How Parents Can Promote Healthy Eating Habits

How can you encourage healthy eating habits and a healthy body image in your kids? In this video, Dr. Sarah ...

Mom Docs

Co-Sleeping: The Dangers of Bed Sharing & Safe Alternatives

Co-sleeping, or sleeping with your baby in the bed with you, is dangerous for several different reasons. In this video ...

Mom Docs

Tooth Be Told: Dental Injuries in Youth Sports

A smile is the prettiest thing your child will ever wear. That smile also runs a risk of getting injured ...

Mom Docs

Burnout Prevention for Young Athletes

A few weeks ago, my eight-year-old joined a baseball team. I am now a baseball Mom. Wait, that made it ...