
Asthma is the most common chronic disease among children today. More than seven million children in America have asthma. At St. Louis Children’s Hospital, asthma is one of the most common reasons for emergency room visits and the number one reason for patient admissions.  More children receive treatment for asthma than ever before.

Other facts about asthma

  • It is the leading cause of missed school days due to a chronic illness.
  • Asthma can affect a student’s academic performance.
  • It can disrupt sleep and the ability to concentrate.
  • It can cause a child to miss out on important social interactions and school activities.
  • An asthma episode can quickly escalate without prompt treatment.
  • Asthma can be life-threatening if not well controlled/managed.

CLICK HERE to view the video Living with Asthma...A Guide to Controlling Your Asthma.

St. Louis Children’s Hospital developed the Asthma Management and Education for Schools (AMES) Tool-kit for school nurses to use on a day-to-day basis to manage kids with asthma in the school setting. It is also designed to help all school personnel better understand the basics of asthma and offer reasonable steps toward promoting an environment where children with asthma can be healthy, happy and active.

The AMES Tool-kit provides targeted educational information for every staff member in the school, including students and parents.

Materials in the AMES Tool-kit, including PowerPoint slides, are to be utilized as resources for families, students and for professional development and training in asthma management.

Also included are modifiable forms to be used for students with asthma such as Asthma Action Plan (AAP), Asthma Control Test, Planning to Win and other asthma education sheets. These forms can be found throughout the AMES role-specific sections.

Through the use of the Asthma Tool-kit, a child’s asthma can be better managed by increasing asthma awareness and highlighting effective asthma control by teaching:

  • What asthma is
  • Asthma triggers and how to control them
  • Early asthma signs and how to respond
  • How to use the Asthma Action Plan (AAP)
  • How to deliver asthma medicine

Managing Asthma in the School EnvironmentDownload the AMES Tool-Kit

Also, click here to download Managing Asthma in the School Environment. 

For more information, please contact the Asthma Program at 314.286.0947 or email at

If you cannot download the AMES Manual and Toolkit, please visit our help page.

AMES is offered free of charge by generous donations to St. Louis Children's Hospital Foundation. 

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