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The Selective Dorsal Rhizotomy procedure performed by Dr. T.S. Park at the Center for Cerebral Palsy Spasticity has made a difference in the lives of children around the world. Following are links to videos posted by or about these children and their families.

All testimonials, statements and videos on this page represent the experiences and expressions of the individuals making them and we cannot warrant that any of the statements are accurate or complete. The opinions expressed about this procedure, St. Louis Children's Hospital, Washington University School of Medicine or their staff are individual patient opinions and NOT to be interpreted as either typical results NOR any guarantee of results. Your individual experience and results will vary. A decision about medical care should not be made based on the opinions of other patients. We shall, in no event, be liable to you or anyone else for any decisions made or actions taken by you in reliance on any testimonial, statement or video provided herein.

This procedure may not be suitable for every patient. The success of any procedure will depend on many factors. Complications which require additional medical intervention may be experienced with this and other procedures. All patients must be evaluated by a physician as to the appropriateness of performing the procedure. For more information, consult your doctor.