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The Trauma Clinic at St. Louis Children’s Hospital provides medical treatment and evaluation for patients seen in the emergency department or healing at home from any type of trauma.  They provide follow-up care and closely monitor a child’s recovery for possible infections or complications.  The trauma team also identifies when a child is ready to resume the activities of daily living, including school, normal play and sports.

Patients cared for in the Trauma Clinic are often first seen by the Children’s Hospital emergency unit, their pediatrician or primary care health provider, other hospitals and urgent care centers, and agencies such as the Department of Family Services. 

Follow-up care in the trauma clinic is provided for:  

  • Injuries to solid organs that heal gradually
  • Concussions
  • Recovery from wounds and abrasions
  • Follow up from simple fall
  • Follow up after motor vehicle, bike or atv accidents
  • Removal of stitches

The Trauma Clinic may draw on the resources of the Pediatric Acute Wound Service (PAWS), which offers the capability of sedating younger patients who need uncomfortable or painful procedures performed, such as removal of stitches. For children needing surgery, trauma physicians may schedule the procedure through either the Ambulatory Procedure Center (APC) or same-day surgery.

The Trauma Clinic coordinates the continuum of care for patients needing multiple specialists. A trauma social worker is also available during clinic hours, and we can arrange for physical and occupational therapists to be available during patients’ visits.