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St. Louis Children's Hospital presents the following courses designed to prevent injury and death in infants and children:

Pediatric Advanced Life Support – (PALS)
The American Heart Association evidence-based PALS course is designed to provide participants with the information and strategies to:Prevent injury and death in infants and children; recognize and initiate treatment for infants and children with impending respiratory failure, shock and cardiopulmonary arrest and support families and providers in coping with emergencies and death.

Emergency Nurse Pediatric Certified (ENPC) --- ENPC is designed to provide core level pediatric knowledge and psychomotor skills associated with the delivery of professional nursing care to the pediatric patient. The course requires the participant to be a Registered Nurse with at least six months of Emergency Nursing and/or Pediatric experience is recommended.

Our instructors also participate in ATLS (advance trauma life support) and ATCN (advance trauma certified nurse) at Barnes-Jewish Hospital in St. Louis.

Outreach CME/CEU events are offered upon request, and can be tailored to the specific needs of the organization or patient specific population. Call: 314.454.2834 for more information or visit our education section to learn more.

Injury Prevention
The best way to avoid trauma is prevention. Children’s Hospital works to educate the public about injury prevention. Programs include: bike safety, car seat safety, Safety Street, ATV safety and the Injury Free Coalition for Kids. Visit Advocacy and Outreach to learn more about these programs.