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The neurorehabilitation program at St. Louis Children’s Hospital is proud to achieve excellent outcomes for the children and families we serve.

In 2023, our program provided services to 35 children.

100% of children served returned to home upon discharge.

Average Age: 12 years, 4 months

Age Ranges:

  • 5.7% of the children were 3 years of age or younger
  • 5.7 % were between 3-5 years of age
  • 14.3% were between 5-10 years of age
  • 74.3% were over the age of 10

Specific Diagnoses:

Diagnosis Traumatic Brain Dysfunction Other Neuro Conditions Stroke Non-Traumatic Brain Dysfunction Non-Traumatic Spinal Cord Dysfunction
% of Children Served 31 14 26 14 9
Number of Patients in 2022 11 5 9 5 3
Average Length of Stay 33 days
(~4.7 weeks)
21.4 days
(~3 weeks)
18.2 days
(~2.6 weeks)
27.8 days
(~4 weeks)
26.3 days
(~3.8 weeks)
% 0-3 years of age 9 0 0 0 33.5
% 3-5 years of age 0 20 11 0 0
% 5-10 years of age 17 0 11 40 0
% over 10 years of age 73 80 78 60 66.5
% Discharged to home 100 100 100 100 100

Overall Functional Outcomes:

  • Overall, the patients in our program demonstrated a 41.7% higher improvement in functional gains compared to similar facilities.
  • Our program’s overall efficiency score is 15% better than similar facilities.


  • At time of discharge, patients at St. Louis Children’s Hospital were functioning at a higher level than peers at similar facilities in the following diagnosis categories:
    • Non-Traumatic Brain Dysfunction, Traumatic Brain Dysfunction, Stroke & Non-Traumatic Spinal Cord Dysfunction
  • The Length of Stay Efficiency was better at St. Louis Children’s Hospital than similar facilities in the following diagnosis categories:
    • Non-Traumatic Brain Dysfunction, Traumatic Brain Dysfunction, and Stroke.
  • Patients averaged greater functional gains than patients at similar facilities in the follow diagnosis categories:
    • Non-traumatic brain dysfunction, Traumatic Brain Dysfunction, and Non-Traumatic Spinal Cord dysfunction


  • 97% of children surveyed also report that the people at St. Louis Children’s Hospital care about them.
  • 94% of children surveyed felt ready to go home by the time of discharge.
  • 88% of children surveyed felt they had gotten better.
  • 100% of parents who participated in a 1-week post discharge follow-up phone call reported they felt prepared to take their child home at time of discharge.
  • 100% of parents who participated in a 1-week post discharge survey report they were satisfied with their level of involvement in discharge planning.