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Pediatric Neurorehabilition Team


Back Row: Heather Vincent (OT), Brooke Helms (Child Life Specialist), Kasey Davis (Psychologist), Madeleine Ortman (PNP), Emily Robinson (ANM), Deanna Carter (Nurse Coordinator), Toni Goelz (PT), Mark Olmsted (therapy manager), Sarah Patton (teacher), Susan Hibbits (director), Pam Carpenter (education manager), and Lin Casper (teacher)

Front Row: Erika Struckhoff (SLP), Angie Ruffino (Nurse Educator), Dr. Alyssa Smith, Dr. Mike Noetzel (medical director), Brittney Young (SW), and Amanda Clemon (Therapy Tech)

The Neurorehabilitation Team is led by the Program Medical Director.  The Medical Director, or designee, initiates the pre-admission or transfer assessment, which consists of an evaluation by all appropriate neurorehabilitation disciplines.  Once a child is accepted onto the service, a treatment plan is developed to meet the patient’s specific needs.  In addition to the patient and family, other members of the Neurorehabilitation Team who provide expert clinical service and education to the patient and family may include physical therapists, speech language pathologists, occupational therapists, child life specialists, psychologists, neuropsychologists, dietitians, social workers, staff nurses, nurse specialists, pharmacists, education specialists, care coordination nurses, music therapists, and art therapists.