Sharing wellness stories from our children to yours. Serving the health needs for all children and families across 50 states and over 80 countries.

Expert Advice

Water or Sports Drinks?

Commercials will have you believe that there’s no healthier choice on a hot day than a sports drink. After all ...

Expert Advice

The Pros and Cons of Baby Food Pouches

Food pouches make eating on the go easy for kids. But are they a healthy choice? ...

Expert Advice

Fad Diets: Good for Kids?

Paleo, gluten-free or other diets that limit certain foods may keep growing bodies from getting the nutrition they need. ...

Mom Docs

Feeding Your Kids: How to Lose Some Battles and Still Win the War

It’s dinner time again. I’m at the table with the easy-going 8-year-old on one side and the feisty, opinionated 5-year-old ...

Mom Docs

Picky Eaters: What’s normal, and when to worry

Some meals have become a battle ground in my home. Ok, maybe that is an exaggeration, but they have started ...