Sharing wellness stories from our children to yours. Serving the health needs for all children and families across 50 states and over 80 countries.

Mom Docs
Mom Docs

An ear infection? Again?

I looked across the examination table at my son’s pediatrician in disbelief, a sinking feeling in my stomach. “This can’t ...

Mom Docs

Sleep positioners associated with infant death

Fifteen years ago my nephew died of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS). He was found dead lying on his belly ...

Mom Docs

Scheduled C-Sections: Too much control can be dangerous

The holidays have arrived. I know it because my iphone told me today. The calendar reminder that helps me remember ...

Mom Docs

Flying with young kids

When our family arrives at the airport, everyone looks at us. A few people smile at our kids, ages 1 ...

Mom Docs

Raising a Grateful Child

This is the time of year when parents scramble to find the right gift or give the perfect holiday experience ...

Mom Docs

Top Ten Worst Holiday Gifts for Kids

How many times have you watched your child open a bad holiday gift and your heart sinks, because they love ...

Mom Docs

The Underwear Machine: Teaching Kids Creative Play

When my first two kids were in kindergarten and second grade, they stopped playing together. They started fighting over anything ...

Mom Docs

What is the flu really?

I was eight years old the night that Elvis Presley died. I wasn’t really old enough to know who he ...

Mom Docs

Extra-curricular madness: Are your kids over-scheduled?

I’m enjoying mommy fall break right now—those few weeks between the end of soccer season and the beginning of winter ...