Conditions & Treatments

Showing 21-28 of 28 results

  • Treatment

    Domestic Adoption

    You have just been discharged from the hospital with your new precious baby, and you are now parents. Now that your baby is home, where do you start? ...

  • Condition

    Down Syndrome (Trisomy 21)

    Down syndrome is a genetic disorder. It is also called trisomy 21. It includes certain birth defects, learning problems, and facial features. A child with Down syndrome also may have heart defects and problems with vision and hearing. How severe or mild these problems are ...

  • Treatment

    Down Syndrome Center

    At the Down Syndrome Center, we want to help your child reach his or her full potential in all aspects of life. To achieve that goal, proper health care is instrumental in your child’s development. That’s why our comprehensive, multi-disciplinary center focuses on helping to ...

  • Condition

    Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy

    Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD), the most common muscular dystrophy, is a rare genetic condition that weakens a child’s muscles. ...

  • Condition

    Dysembryoplastic Neuroepithelial Tumor (DNET)

    Dysembryoplastic neuroepithelial tumor is a rare tumor that occurs in children and is characterized by long-standing, intractable partial complex seizures. It typically presents with epilepsy during childhood. Surgery can resolve the seizures. ...

  • Condition


    Menstrual cramps (dysmenorrhea) are severe, painful cramps that occur with menstruation. ...

  • Condition


    Dysphagia means trouble swallowing. This condition happens when food or liquids can’t pass easily from your child’s mouth, into the throat, down the esophagus, and into the stomach when swallowing. ...

  • Condition


    Dysthymia is a milder, but long-lasting form of depression. It’s also called persistent depressive disorder. People with this condition may also have bouts of major depression at times. ...

Showing 21-28 of 28 results