The Heart of Gold Award is St. Louis Children's Hospital's most prestigious honor. Recipients demonstrate the highest level of philanthropy through gifts of both their time and resources.
These individuals or organizations exemplify the values and beliefs of St. Louis Children's Hospital and demonstrate a deep and long-standing commitment to children that elevates the quality of care and inspires all of us to be better.
Heart of Gold Recipients
1997 Harriet Spoehrer*
1998 Doris and Donald Schnuck*
1999 Dana Brown*
2000 John and Sylvia Londoff*
2001 Mary and Oliver Langenberg*
2002 Carol and Paul Hatfield
2003 Hale and Sally Irwin
2004 Corie and Lou Fusz
2005 Jim and Libby McDonnell
2006 Jan and Chuck* Mueller
2007 Doug and Anne Albrecht
2008 The Saigh Foundation
2009 John and Alison Ferring
2010 Sally and Harry* Johnston
2011 Julie and John Stupp
2012 Joe Buck
2013 Katie Klinger
2014 Emerson
2015 Anita and John O'Connell
2016 Rick and Carol Short
2017 Dale and Kate Cammon
2018 Laurie and Ray Van de Riet
2020 Susan and James Gould
2021 Bob and Signa Hermann
2022 Nestle Purina PetCare Company
2023 Six Flags St. Louis