The Vascular Anomalies Center at St. Louis Children’s Hospital approaches vascular anomalies with an interdisciplinary approach to patient care. Our team incorporates the expertise of a variety of clinicians from different medical and surgical backgrounds.
Rano Chatterjee, MD
Neurointerventional Radiology
Katherine King, MD
- Genetics-Pediatric
- Genetics
- Pediatrics
Christopher Malone, MD
- Interventional Radiology
Maithilee Menezes, MD
- Otolaryngology-Pediatric
- Otolaryngology
Ali Mian, MD
Neuro Radiology
Kamlesh Patel, MD
- Plastic Surgery-Pediatric
- Plastic/Reconstructive Surgery
Mitchell Pet, MD
- Hand Surgery
- Plastic/Reconstructive Surgery
Justin Sacks, MD
Plastic Surgery/Lymphedema Clinic
Kristen Sanfilippo, MD
- Hematology
- Oncology
Leonid Shmuylovich, MD, PHD
- Dermatology-Pediatric
- Dermatology
Bryan Sisk, MD, MSCI
- Hematology-Pediatric
- Oncology-Pediatric
- Pediatrics
Alexander Ushinsky, MD
- Interventional Radiology
Daniel Willis, MD
- Hematology-Pediatric
- Oncology-Pediatric
- Pediatrics
Amy Westfall
Occupational Therapy
Allison Connor
Occupational Therapy
Katie Brotherton, RN, MSN
Pediatric Hematology/Oncology Clinical Nurse Coordinator
Amber Collum, RN, BSN
Clinical Nurse Coordinator
Megan Thomas
Interventional Radiology Nurse