Please visit the appropriate registration desk for your patient unit and verify your unit’s visitor and badging guidelines.
5100 and 5200: Walk straight towards the mural/Orange elevators, but do not take the Orange elevators. Take a left at the end of the hall, towards the BLUE elevators. The Blue elevators will be on your right, take them to Floor 5. Exit the elevators to your left and head to the registration desk to sign in. 5100 will be to the left of the registration desk. 5200 will be to the right of the registration desk. 5100 and 5200 families must use the Orange elevators to access the LL/Cafeteria.
5300 and 5400: Walk straight, until you reach the mural/Orange elevators at the end of the hall. Take the Orange elevators to Floor 5. Exit the elevator bay and take a right. You will see the registration desk immediately on your left, where you can sign in. 5300 will be to the left of the registration desk. 5400 will be to the right of the registration desk.