Patient Stories
Patient Stories

Kennedy's Cochlear Implants

Kennedy is just one example of the many brave kids whose lives have been changed thanks to a surgery performed ...

Patient Stories

Katelyn's Song

When Karin Jackson first greeted four-month-old Katelyn after the infant’s heart surgery, she breathed a premature sigh of relief. ...

Patient Stories

Kaitlyn's Olympic Journey

Nine-year-old Kaitlyn Holste is a competitive gymnast. And like most dedicated athletes, she didn’t let a minor cough and some ...

Patient Stories

Kailey's Tennis Ball-Sized Tumor

Pre-school, here she comes! Kailey may be fighting a high-grade glioma, a very aggressive form of brain tumor, but today ...

Patient Stories

Josef's Femur Fracture

Josef Marchuetz was a sophomore linebacker at Hillsborough High School when he severely fractured his femur during a JV football ...

Patient Stories

Jolene: Facing a Lifetime of Challenges

When Roberta Miller’s 7-year-old daughter, Jolene Green, required surgery to remove a tumor compressing her airway, she knew St. Louis ...

Patient Stories

John Bryer's Story

A ten-year-old from south-central Missouri not only has a smile on his face after a devastating accident that nearly killed ...

Patient Stories

Jamie's Journey

When you look at 14-year-old Jamie Chilese, it’s hard to believe that less than two years ago, she was so ...

Patient Stories

Isaac and Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome

Meet Isaac. He’s an amazing little boy with a magnetic personality and unparalleled bravery. ...

Patient Stories

Injury Should Never Interrupt the Promise of Greatness - Tajah Foster Walker

Tajah Foster-Walker has older siblings, and because of that her mom, Tango Walker, describes her as having “grown up in ...

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