Patient Stories
Patient Stories

Luke's Sound Celebration

He loves dancing to music. He enjoys swimming and running through the sprinkler outside with his brothers. ...

Patient Stories

Luke's Polymicrogyria

Baby Luke was born with a rare brain malformation called polymicrogyria. He was diagnosed before he was born, giving his ...

Patient Stories

Lucie's Story: From Tumor to Transplant

Just about any parent would gladly trade places with their sick child – anything to make them feel better. That’s ...

Patient Stories

Lucas' Finger Replantation

Area children in danger of losing their fingers or hands due to major trauma should be sent directly to St ...

Patient Stories

Logan's Story: A Life-Changing Decision, from Head to Toe

Taking a day off of school to go to an amusement park? That probably sounds like a great idea to ...

Patient Stories

Living Together, Growing Apart - Jade and Lily

Sara's twins shared an amniotic sack and were not receiving the same fluid levels. If not corrected, her babies risked ...

Patient Stories

Liver Transplant Cures Patient with Rare Congenital Disorder

A dream came true for 11-year-old Austin Sprock. All his life, Austin had to stick to a low-protein diet. He ...

Patient Stories

Leah Biskup - An extraordinary Journey

If you ask Leah Biskup, she'll tell you she's an ordinary teenager -- studying for mid-term exams at St. Louis ...

Patient Stories

Krystabelle: Here Comes the Sun

Four-year-old Krystabelle Wiles is so happy and outgoing—she always seems to “spread a little sunshine” wherever she goes. Since the ...

Patient Stories

Kicking Childhood Cancer

About a year ago, 36 men met on the soccer field at Blackburn College in Carlinville, Illinois, in an attempt ...

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