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Child Urology Patient ScanUrology specialists provide treatment and care for the function and disorders of the urinary system.

The urology specialists at St. Louis Children's Hospital carry out some of the most technologically advanced procedures when treating children, due to the hospital's affiliation with the world-renowned Washington University School of Medicine.

Children are treated with noninvasive procedures whenever possible. When invasive measures are required, endoscopic and laparoscopic techniques are used to the extent possible to reduce morbidity and decrease recovery time. Special anesthetics and sedation are also used to relieve the children's anxiety and pain. The majority of interventions are performed on an outpatient basis.

Robotic Surgery

St. Louis Children’s Hospital is one of only a few pediatric facilities in the country—and the only one in the St. Louis region—to offer robotic surgery for children needing urologic procedures. In most of these cases, the children experience less pain, heal faster and benefit from stronger restoration than with the standard open surgical techniques.

Conditions treated:

Why Choose Us?

St. Louis Children’s Hospital is consistently ranked among the nation’s best pediatric hospitals by U.S. News & World Report, the most comprehensive source of quality-related information on U.S. pediatric hospitals. We follow one simple mission – to do what’s right for kids. That mission comes to life through medical discovery, innovative therapies and compassionate care.

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We offer world-class care to children thanks in part to generous gifts from hundreds of people who have joined us in making health care better for all children. This philanthropic support enables us to fulfill our mission to do what's right for kids.

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