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The Rett Spectrum Clinic a specialty clinic designed to care for and support children with Rett Syndrome and Rett Related Disorders including MECP2 duplications, CDKL5, and FOXG1. The clinic is a collaboration between Washington University School of Medicine and St. Louis Children’s Hospital.  Within a clinic visit, patients and their families will meet with several caregivers including neurology, therapy, and nutrition along with other specialists as needed.

Patients that are eligible for the clinic include:

  • Clinical Diagnosis of Rett Syndrome or Atypical Rett Syndrome
  • Confirmed genetic abnormality in MECP2 (including point mutations, deletions, and duplications)
  • Confirmed genetic abnormality in CDKL5
  • Confirmed genetic abnormality in FOXG1
  • Evaluation for any of the above

IRSF Center Of Excellence LogoClinic Location:
One Children's Place suite 2130
St. Louis, Missouri 63110

Clinic Fax Number:  

Clinic Mailing Address:
Rett Spectrum Clinic
660 South Euclid Avenue
Campus Box 8111
Saint Louis, MO  63110-1093

Conditions We Treat

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St. Louis Children’s Hospital is consistently ranked among the nation’s best pediatric hospitals by U.S. News & World Report, the most comprehensive source of quality-related information on U.S. pediatric hospitals. We follow one simple mission – to do what’s right for kids. That mission comes to life through medical discovery, innovative therapies and compassionate care.

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We offer world-class care to children thanks in part to generous gifts from hundreds of people who have joined us in making health care better for all children. This philanthropic support enables us to fulfill our mission to do what's right for kids.

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