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When your child has difficulty breathing, it makes everything that much harder.

The Allergy, Immunology and Pulmonary Medicine Program helps you and your child address any issues that affect breathing — including sinusitis (sinus infections), asthma, pneumonia, and sleep apnea.  Additionally, our specialized pediatric allergy program cares for children with a wide range of allergies.  Our program features:

  • Largest cystic fibrosis center in Missouri and second largest in the United States
    Leading national program in treatment and research of childhood asthma
  • Care for sleep disorders, with an accredited sleep disorder center, as designated by the American Academy of Sleep Medicine. 

As part of our comprehensive care, we offer separate specialty programs for diving deeper into issues related to:

Why Choose the Allergy, Immunology and Pulmonary Medicine Program?

Nationally-ranked for pulmonary medicineWe are able to treat the full range of issues affecting your child’s breathing, allergies and immune system — including how these issues affect your child’s sleep. We are national leaders in asthma research, working to shape the future of care for all children.  Whether your child needs a lung test or a sleep study, our team of experts pull all the pieces of the puzzle together to arrive at a diagnosis and begin treatment.

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