Sharing wellness stories from our children to yours. Serving the health needs for all children and families across 50 states and over 80 countries.

Patient Stories

Family Moves Hundreds of Miles for Heart Care

Abigail Young spent the first eight months of her life in the hospital with heart problems. Now 2, Abigail needed ...

Mom Docs

Should You Be Hiding Foods in Your Kid’s Meal?

It seems so ingenious. Your child won’t eat a green vegetable, but she’ll eat pasta … why not hide that ...

Mom Docs

Unplugging From Electronics as a Family

If you’re anything like me, you’re on your kids regularly to get off the screens! But no sooner do I ...

Mom Docs

Running in Cold Weather: Keeping Young Athletes Safe and Warm

Just because the temperatures are dropping doesn’t mean outdoor running and exercising has to drop as well. Runners and other ...

Mom Docs

Burping Your Baby 101

Every parent has wondered at least once … of all the things that come with an instruction manuals, how is ...

Mom Docs

Setting Up a Special Time with Your Child

When it comes to the relationship parents and kids, it takes 5 positive interactions to balance out every 1 negative ...

Mom Docs

St. Louis Children’s Hospital After Hours

Introducing St. Louis Children’s Hospital After Hours – convenient medical care for your child’s illnesses and injuries by specially-trained pediatric ...

Mom Docs

Common Wrestling Skin Infections in Teen Athletes

It is high school wrestling season. As a sports medicine doctor, we often get the job of doing “skin checks” ...

Mom Docs

Acetaminophen vs. Ibuprofen: Which One Should My Child Take?

Your child has a mild fever. Do you give acetaminophen or ibuprofen? What about for a headache? Or a sprained ...