Patient Stories
Patient Stories

Breathing a Sigh of Relief: Baby Grace's Story

Baby Grace is one-year-old this week. With the twinkly blue eyes and eager smile of a giddy party hostess, she ...

Patient Stories

Breathing Easier: Child is First to Receive Breathing Pacemaker

Seven-year-old Phoenix Weaver is breathing easier these days. A car accident two years ago in her home town of Nixa ...

Patient Stories

Brandon's Story

When Brandon Dennis was diagnosed with a brain tumor at five-years-old, the last thing on his parents’ minds was his ...

Patient Stories

Bouncing Back - Blair's Story

Seven-year-old Blair Partain is a fist-full of energy. Whether she’s bouncing on the trampoline, trying on costume jewelry or playing ...

Patient Stories

Baby Josiah's Journey with Gnathodiaphyseal Dysplasia

Baby Josiah has a rare condition called gnathodiaphyseal dysplasia. It causes extra bone growth in his skull and jawbone, and ...

Patient Stories

Baby is First Patient in Missouri to Receive Berlin Heart

McKenzi Carmack's face has magical powers. When she widens her saucer-blue eyes to a full twinkle, and adds the toothy ...

Patient Stories

Baby Anna - Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia

Baby Anna spent the first few weeks of her life in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit at St. Louis Children's ...

Patient Stories

Asher's Heart

Amanda delivered her baby, Asher, four weeks early. Weighing just 4 pounds, 7 ounces, he was quickly transferred to St ...

Patient Stories

Anthony Bechelli - Singing a Survivor's Tune

Anthony Bechelli’s heroes are musicians like Eric Clapton and Jimmy Page. He’s a musician who appreciates the classics. ...

Patient Stories

Adiba - The "picture" of success

They say a picture is worth a thousand words. If that's the case, one of Adiba Islam's most recent masterpieces ...

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