Sharing wellness stories from our children to yours. Serving the health needs for all children and families across 50 states and over 80 countries.

Mom Docs

Cooking At Home During the Pandemic: A Vegan Diet

As we experience life during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, cooking at home can not only provide healthy meals, but can ...

Mom Docs

Helping Your Family Stay Calm & Well During The Pandemic

These are confusing times for young and old alike. We are bombarded with news and discouraging numbers. Families have gone ...

Mom Docs

Talking to children about COVID-19

There’s a lot of news coverage about the outbreak of COVID-19 and it can be overwhelming for parents and frightening ...

Mom Docs

How to Wash Your Hands: Tips From a Doctor

We’re all hearing a lot about the importance of proper hand washing techniques right now. So what’s the best way ...

Mom Docs

COVID-19 & Children: Learn the Facts

 By now, we’ve all heard about the new coronavirus circling the globe and causing the disease called COVID-19. In ...

Expert Advice

Skin and Games

Don’t let a skin infection bench your young athlete. Skin-to-skin contact during play, open wounds and shared equipment can put ...

Expert Advice

Medical Animation: Measles

In this video St. Louis Children's Hospital explains what measles is and how it spreads to others. ...

Expert Advice

Medical Animation: Mumps

Watch as St. Louis Children's Hospital explains what mumps is and how it can be spread to others. ...

Expert Advice

Medical Animation: Vaccines

An illness can be caused by pathogens -- bacteria and viruses that cause disease. These foreign invaders can enter the ...