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Mom Docs

The Truth about Tanning

If you’ve ever used a tanning bed – even once – you have a 75% increased risk of melanoma. And ...

Mom Docs

Depression: It may not just be the “blues”

On the morning of Valentine’s Day, as I drove off from dropping my teenage daughter at school, I knew that ...

Mom Docs

Time for solids? Here’s some food for thought

Introducing solids is one of the more fun developmental milestones for baby’s first year. It is fun to watch your ...

Mom Docs

10 Tips for Flying with Breast Milk

I’ve heard many a horror-story about flying with breast milk, from security agents who forced moms to dump out milk ...

Mom Docs

A cough in the night

I remember when I was pregnant with my first child, many friends and acquaintances with children remarked that becoming a ...

Mom Docs

Rethinking Your Baby’s First Few Minutes of Life

Think back to when your babies were born—what happened in those first 5-10 minutes of life? Did you hold your ...

Mom Docs

Giving your child medicine: Avoid the comedy of errors

“How hard is it to give a kid medication? The kid is not the boss!” a new naïve doctor exclaimed ...

Mom Docs

Sickness on the Prairie: What Really Made Mary Ingalls go Blind?

Remember how Mary Ingalls of Little House on the Prairie went blind, supposedly from scarlet fever? Medical historians have just ...

Mom Docs

Best Advice for New Moms – and All Moms!

“Best Advice for New Moms Ever” was the title of a blog post I read recently. Curious mom and pediatrician ...