Sharing wellness stories from our children to yours. Serving the health needs for all children and families across 50 states and over 80 countries.

Mom Docs

Why I Stopped Buying Juice Boxes (The picture will gross you out…)

A patient came to my ER after noticing green slime coming up the straw from her Juicy Juice box. Her ...

Mom Docs

10 Easy Parenting Tricks to Keep Your Kids Out of the ER This Summer

Do your kids love crocs and flip flops and forget to wear their bike helmets and sunscreen? These common kid ...

Mom Docs

Goals, Expectations, and Summer Fun!

School is finally out for the summer for most kids. As the daughter of a teacher, this reminds me of ...

Mom Docs

Is online privacy for kids a lost cause?

The average American teen has 300 Facebook “friends” according to new data out this week from the PEW Internet and ...

Mom Docs

Swimming Pool Safety for Kids | Water Safety Tips

The weather is warming up, the school year is winding down, and I can all but smell the chlorine. Soon ...

Mom Docs

Hookah – The Smoky Truth

A hookah bar just opened up down the street from me, and they have no shortage of customers. Even the ...

Mom Docs

Stress, Cortisol, and getting your baby to sleep

Does sleep training teach your baby “learned helplessness”? Some parenting experts are saying “yes,” especially after new research shows that ...

Mom Docs

Should I Let My Child use an iPad?

Should I let my child play with an iPad? This is why I say, “Yes!” to my toddler and his ...

Mom Docs

Tired? What Sleep-Deprivation does to Parents

I’m an expert in sleep deprivation—I’ve worked night shifts for almost a decade while watching my four (soon to be ...