Sharing wellness stories from our children to yours. Serving the health needs for all children and families across 50 states and over 80 countries.

Mom Docs

Tricks for Managing Halloween Treats

For the first time, my 4-year old son really understands the concept of “Halloween.” He chose a costume for each ...

Mom Docs

Cord Blood Banking – Why I changed my mind

Cord blood banking vs. donation—what to do with those stem cells I changed my mind about cord blood and cord ...

Mom Docs

Do you drink at your kids sporting events?

The dad sitting next to me at my daughter’s soccer game was drinking bourbon and coke. Another dad had at ...

Mom Docs

Is it safe for my child to strength train or lift weights?

When I see kids in the emergency room with sprains and strains from working out at school, gym, or home ...

Mom Docs

Bedwetting: 5 Facts to know and 5 Tips to keep your sanity

“Mama, I have to go peepee,” the small voice calls from a dark room across the hall. I can feel ...

Mom Docs

Texting and Driving – the YouTube videos that could save a life

4 YouTube Videos that Save Lives Texting is our newest addiction, a fatal addiction if we text while driving. More ...

Mom Docs

Newborn heart screen will save lives, ease fear

Learn about pulse oximetry, a newborn screening that detects congenital heart disease and provides peace of mind for parents. ...

Mom Docs

Newborn heart screen will save lives, ease fear

It is every new parent’s nightmare. Your previously healthy newborn baby turns pale and has difficulty breathing. She is irritable ...

Mom Docs

Should I give my baby a pacifier?

Infants look awfully cute with “plugs” or “binks” in their mouths, but there is some question whether pacifiers are causing ...