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Mom Docs

Vaccine Myths – Playing with Fire

This week is national immunization week, according to the Institute of Medicine and the American Academy of Pediatrics, an opportunity ...

Mom Docs

Concussions – Recovering from a head trauma

A few weeks ago, I saw a teenager in the Emergency Room for headache. She had been in a car ...

Mom Docs

Better births, healthier babies: Delayed cord clamping made easy

Waiting just 1-2 minutes after birth before cutting your baby’s umbilical cord can protect her from anemia, yet most obstetricians ...

Mom Docs

Social Media: The 11 apps your kids may be using

Do we know what our kids are doing online? I think most of us want to say ‘Yes’ and at ...

Mom Docs

E-cigarettes: NOT a safe alternative

We all worry about long-term danger from smoking, but nicotine can take the life of a child in minutes. Smoking ...

Mom Docs

Beyond time-outs: No-yell, no-spank discipline

I got this email from a colleague: “My son laughs in my face when I put him in time out ...

Mom Docs

More Parenting, Less Yelling: How to Calm the Storm

Parents have taken to heart the research that shows spanking leads to more aggressive behaviors. But instead of spanking, most ...

Mom Docs

Car Seat Safety – debunking the myths

My 2 – 1/2 year old still sits in his rear- facing in his car seat. I plan to keep ...

Mom Docs

How to be a good parent – and keep your cell phone too!

Having a cell phone is like having a baby that never grows up. The phone demands immediate attention through various ...