Sharing wellness stories from our children to yours. Serving the health needs for all children and families across 50 states and over 80 countries.

Mom Docs

Mutant Bugs: The new LICE

It’s back to school time! Excitement and anxiety are common emotions for children and parents alike. But the reasons for ...

Mom Docs

Speaking up for Kids!

Each year pediatricians and pediatric trainees from around the state come together in Jefferson City to talk to legislators about ...

Mom Docs

Stressed and Depressed– How American Teens are Hurting Themselves, and what Parents can do to Reverse the Trend

American teens are stressed and depressed. As a pediatrician, I see the suicide attempts, the overdoses, and all the new ...

Mom Docs

Using ‘good’ bugs to treat – Probiotics

Over the last 3 to 4 weeks in the emergency room, I’ve seen an unusually high number of kids with ...

Mom Docs

The Return of Essential Oils

Do essential oils really work, or are they just over-priced fragrant quackery? I would have assumed the latter, until I ...

Mom Docs

Sleepy Teens – new study says teens are even more sleep-deprived than we thought

If you can’t get your teen to go to bed, you’re not alone. American teens sleep less now than they ...

Mom Docs

Safe sleep for babies – let’s make it law!

Missouri lawmakers are trying to protect infants in daycare centers by mandating that licensed daycare providers use safe sleep practices ...

Mom Docs

Picky Eaters: What’s normal, and when to worry

Some meals have become a battle ground in my home. Ok, maybe that is an exaggeration, but they have started ...

Mom Docs

The Measles – A Reality Check for Parents

Measles is back in the United States, and the population at greatest risk is our babies. Infants under one year ...