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Mom Docs

Zika Virus: What you need to know

Talk about the Zika virus is all over the news. According to the World Health Organization the Zika virus is ...

Mom Docs

Rodents & Children: The Medical Risks of Mice & Rats

If you have mice in the attic, rats in your crawl space, or rodents anywhere your children go, it’s time ...

Mom Docs

Protecting Your Child’s Smile: When to Use Mouthguards?

My daughter’s teacher pulled me aside as I was coming for pick-up to tell me that my daughter had fallen ...

Mom Docs

Thumb Sucking and Finger Sucking: 11 ways to break the habit (without breaking your budget)

If your thumb or finger sucking child is 3 years old or over, it’s time to break the habit. Many ...

Mom Docs

6 easy tips for improving your family’s approach to food this year

2016 is here and talk of resolutions, health, improving your life is everywhere. Often, the changes proposed to make us ...

Mom Docs

When should kids start puberty?

Sad but true: when 8-year-olds have signs of puberty it’s usually normal. Nevertheless, it’s unnerving to find pubic hair on ...

Mom Docs

Attention: St. Louis Area Parents

St. Louis Children’s Hospital is conducting a Community Health Needs Assessment to identify the most important pediatric health issues in ...

Mom Docs

16 Best Educational Websites and Apps for Kids: 2016 Edition

The American Academy of Pediatrics has changed their screen time recommendations, finally doing away with the 2-hour-a-day limit. Instead, the ...

Mom Docs

Celebrate the new year with fun family recipes

The holidays are a great time to get your kids in the kitchen to experiment with recipes. Kids that participate ...