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Mom Docs

Parenting a child with food allergies through Halloween

Contemplating Halloween costume ideas has been a favorite Fall activity for my two children for the past several years. So ...

Mom Docs

Proper Medication Dosage to Give Your Kids

It’s late. Your child has spiked a fever, so you reach inside the medicine cabinet. But wait – do you ...

Mom Docs

Tics in Kids: What’s “Normal” and When to see a Specialist

Eye-blinking, throat-clearing, facial grimacing, and sniffing – tics are brief and sudden unwanted, repetitive, stereotyped movements or sounds. Though alarming ...

Mom Docs

Helping Kids Enjoy Halloween Candy in Moderation

It’s that time of year when candy corn makes its appearance, pumpkin carving is in demand, spooky holiday decorations go ...

Mom Docs

Should I See a Pediatrician Before Giving My Kids Antibiotics?

It’s so tempting! Your child is pulling at his ears in the middle of the night, and you just know ...

Mom Docs

When is Shin Pain Serious?

It is fall, and that means lots of sports have just kicked into high gear. With things like playoffs, district ...

Mom Docs

Feeding Your Kids: How to Lose Some Battles and Still Win the War

It’s dinner time again. I’m at the table with the easy-going 8-year-old on one side and the feisty, opinionated 5-year-old ...

Mom Docs

Hormones in Milk: Should You Worry?

We’ve all stood in front of the refrigerated case at the grocery store, looking at the massive price difference between ...

Mom Docs

Facts vs. Myths: The Truth About Indoor Tanning

With the first fall dances now on the horizon, I see them flocking – teenagers toward tanning salons, anxious to ...