Sharing wellness stories from our children to yours. Serving the health needs for all children and families across 50 states and over 80 countries.

Patient Stories

Epilepsy Should Never Interrupt a Birthday - Jakrii Pearson

When Jakrii Pearson was almost 3, he began having seizures. Washington University neurologists at St. Louis Children’s Hospital discovered he ...

Patient Stories

Emery's Second Chance: How An Organ Donor Saved Her Life

Even though Crissy Patterson was a first-time mom, as a nurse, she knew there was something not-quite-right about her newborn ...

Patient Stories

From Elana, With Care

Elana Loftspring was twelve when she decided to send care packages to children in need of comfort and care. ...

Patient Stories

"Dream Team" Gives Makenna Hope

Midway through their pregnancy, Meredith and Joe Barnes of Champaign, Illinois received devastating news. ...

Patient Stories

Double Listing Led to Liver for Anthony

A baby in a Minneapolis suburb needed a liver transplant, so his mom called St. Louis Children’s Hospital to ask ...

Mom Docs

When to Buy Organic Foods for Your Child

The organic produce section of the grocery story has stared down the best of us. But when is it really ...

Mom Docs

Storytelling With Your Children

Stories are everywhere. Newspapers, books, TV shows, movies, artwork, social media, sermons/homilies and so on. Stories are a form of ...

Mom Docs

Food Pyramid for Kids: Nutrition 101

You may know your child eats relatively well, but is she getting enough fruits? Should you be offering more vegetables ...

Mom Docs

Reflecting on Your Parenting Values

It’s 2018! The start of a new year often inspires us to take time to reflect on another year gone ...