Sharing wellness stories from our children to yours. Serving the health needs for all children and families across 50 states and over 80 countries.

Expert Advice

Are Snack Bars Too Good to Be True?

Many snack bar boxes barely have enough room to tout all the ingredients. Consider a “fiber-filled, high-protein, chocolatey-peanut butter granola ...

Expert Advice

Apples, Carrots & Peas: We Want More, Please!

Incorporate more fruits and vegetable into your child’s diet by trying these simple tips and tricks. ...

Expert Advice

Allergies Vs. the Common Cold

It’s that time of year again when everyone -- including your kids -- seems to be sneezing and sniffling. You ...

Expert Advice

All About Impetigo

Anyone remember those unforgettable words of concern: “stop scratching”? Great wisdom is behind that request. Why? Because scratching can lead ...

Expert Advice

ADHD -- Children with the Disorder Can Shine

If the approach of the upcoming school year has you dreading the challenges your child faces of sitting still, paying ...

Expert Advice

14 Ways to Show Love for Your Child This Valentine's Day

Use plenty of positive words with your child. Try to avoid using sarcasm with your child. ...

Expert Advice

“Wait…Before You Google”

While the internet has improved access to health information, there is a downside. Some information may be outdated or just ...

Mom Docs

Pitch Counts: Why Are They Important for Your Baseball/Softball Player?

Spring training is in full swing right now. Professional baseball players have migrated south to start honing their skills and ...

Mom Docs

Should You Get Genetic Testing During Your Pregnancy?

As an expecting mom, you will be given the opportunity to get genetic testing. Many new moms are full of ...