Sharing wellness stories from our children to yours. Serving the health needs for all children and families across 50 states and over 80 countries.

Cancer, Neurology, Neurosurgery, Orthopedics
Patient Stories

Injury Should Never Interrupt the Promise of Greatness - Tajah Foster Walker

Tajah Foster-Walker has older siblings, and because of that her mom, Tango Walker, describes her as having “grown up in ...

Patient Stories

Injury Should Never Interrupt the Promise of Greatness - Layne Robinson

Layne Robinson, 16, is a talented left-handed pitcher and outfielder. His three middle fingers were crushed and beyond repair in ...

Patient Stories

Clara's Story

It was just after Clara Dawson’s first birthday when her family noticed something different about her little legs. One leg ...

Patient Stories

Cancer Should Never Interrupt a Future Leader - Tomiyah Bell

When Tomiyah Bell was 19 and a freshman at Southern Illinois University – Carbondale, something odd happened. She was giving ...

Patient Stories

Epilepsy Should Never Interrupt Swim Class - Elsie Lastrina

After in-depth testing, a review of Elsie’s case by the Epilepsy Board of the Washington University Pediatric Epilepsy Center at ...

Patient Stories

Epilepsy Should Never Interrupt a Birthday - Jakrii Pearson

When Jakrii Pearson was almost 3, he began having seizures. Washington University neurologists at St. Louis Children’s Hospital discovered he ...

Patient Stories

From Elana, With Care

Elana Loftspring was twelve when she decided to send care packages to children in need of comfort and care. ...

Patient Stories

Charlie's Story: St. Louis Children's Hospital First Proton Therapy Patient

In late November of last year, Julia and Jake North had their lives turned upside down when they received news ...

Mom Docs

The Dreaded “Stomach Bug”

What causes the “stomach bug”? Acute Gastroenteritis (AGE) in U.S. children, commonly referred to as the “the stomach bug” by ...