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Kids Today, Neurology
Expert Advice

App Safety, Age by Age

Apps allow your children to learn and connect with friends. They can also put your children’s privacy and safety at ...

Expert Advice

Ace That Interview!

If your teen wants a volunteer position or a paid part-time job, she’ll likely need to interview. Help her avoid ...

Expert Advice

7 Tips for a Happy Stepfamily

Blending two families may seem like a tough job. But with a little support, stepfamilies can build strong, healthy bonds. ...

Expert Advice

Baby, It's Cold Outside!

Winter is here and so is cold, snowy weather. While all parents want to keep babies warm and snuggly, it ...

Patient Stories

Taking a New Approach to Restoring Hearing in a Patient with NF2

Read more about Joshua Webb's journey to restoring his hearing with St. Louis Children's Hospital. ...

Patient Stories

Rett Spectrum Clinic Answers Parents' Prayers

As the McCools learned more about Rett syndrome, they recognized that Ellie was fully alert and present. It was then ...

Patient Stories

Jolene: Facing a Lifetime of Challenges

When Roberta Miller’s 7-year-old daughter, Jolene Green, required surgery to remove a tumor compressing her airway, she knew St. Louis ...

Patient Stories

Epilepsy Should Never Interrupt a Birthday - Jakrii Pearson

When Jakrii Pearson was almost 3, he began having seizures. Washington University neurologists at St. Louis Children’s Hospital discovered he ...

Patient Stories

From Elana, With Care

Elana Loftspring was twelve when she decided to send care packages to children in need of comfort and care. ...