Sharing wellness stories from our children to yours. Serving the health needs for all children and families across 50 states and over 80 countries.

Expert Advice

More Than Stress

The number of college students struggling with mental health issues is on the rise. Learn what you can do to ...

Expert Advice

Your Introverted, Extroverted Family

Extroverts and introverts have different social needs, but it is possible to keep everybody happy. These two personality labels are ...


Screening for Postpartum Depression Helps Improve Child Health Outcomes

Treating all mothers with postpartum depression is of vital importance to the health of their children. Dr. Cynthia Rogers says ...


New Pediatric Behavioral Health Unit Expands Hospital's Commitment to Childhood & Adolescent Mental Health

In response to the growing need for pediatric behavioral health care, in July St. Louis Children’s Hospital opened a 14-bed ...


Differences of Sex Development Clinic: Treating Complex Congenital Conditions

Washington University physicians at St. Louis Children's Hospital provide one location with specialized medical care for those with congenital conditions ...

Expert Advice

Connecting with Your Teen

Struggling to bond with your adolescent child? Learn how to strengthen your parent-teen relationship. Your child is growing up and ...

Expert Advice

Overcoming Separation Anxiety

If your child feels nervous about leaving home for summer activities, try some of these tips to ease her mind ...

Mom Docs

Executive Functioning & Your Child’s School Performance

The new school year is approaching. You may be ready to send your child back to school, but at the ...

Expert Advice

The Road to Resilience

Resilience is inner strength that helps children cope with and adapt to stressful or negative events. ...