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Mom Docs
Mom Docs

Should You Get Genetic Testing During Your Pregnancy?

As an expecting mom, you will be given the opportunity to get genetic testing. Many new moms are full of ...

Mom Docs

Fitbit: Flashy Gimmick or Helpful Tool?

When I glanced at my 7 and 10 year-old son and daughter’s Christmas lists back in December and saw they ...

Mom Docs

Your First Period: What You Need to Know

I’m not sure who was more nervous for my daughter’s first period – her or me. Moms, it’s important for ...

Mom Docs

To Get a Pet or To Not Get a Pet?

Your child keeps telling you “I want a puppy” or “I want a cat” but you have doubts about whether ...

Mom Docs

You Think It’s Ok But It’s “Snot” | Dealing with Cold and Flu Season

Another winter cold and flu season is well underway and I find myself staring in disbelief at the amount of ...

Mom Docs

Breastfeeding Your Baby 101

 If breastfeeding seems a little overwhelming, you’re like many other expecting mothers. Though it may be scary, there are ...

Mom Docs

Skiing and Snowboarding: Safety On The Slopes

With the winter Olympics starting this week, not to mention cold temperatures and occasional snow here at home, you might ...

Mom Docs

When to Buy Organic Foods for Your Child

The organic produce section of the grocery story has stared down the best of us. But when is it really ...

Mom Docs

Storytelling With Your Children

Stories are everywhere. Newspapers, books, TV shows, movies, artwork, social media, sermons/homilies and so on. Stories are a form of ...