Sharing wellness stories from our children to yours. Serving the health needs for all children and families across 50 states and over 80 countries.

Mom Docs
Mom Docs

Managing Your Family’s Schedule

Do you ever feel like there is not enough time in the day to get things done? Do you feel ...

Mom Docs

Sex Education | Age Appropriate Topics

Sex education is important for all children but knowing what topics to cover at each age is difficult for many ...

Mom Docs

Safe Touch Conversations and Sexual Abuse Prevention for Children

Talking to your kids about safety is not always an exciting or easy conversation, but it’s necessary in the world ...

Mom Docs

Asthma Attack | When to Go to the E.R.

Acute asthma attacks can be scary but understanding when to seek emergency medical help can help you remain calm when ...

Mom Docs

Choosing a Pediatrician | Finding the Best Fit for Your Family

Choosing a pediatrician who is the best fit for your family can be overwhelming. As soon as you begin asking ...

Mom Docs

How Much Sleep Should Your Teen Be Getting?

How much sleep do teenagers need? If your teen is frequently tired, they’re probably not getting enough. This is a ...

Mom Docs

How to Prevent SIDS | Reducing the Risk

Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) rates are increasing. SIDS, also known as “cot death” or “blue baby” is a devastating ...

Mom Docs

Cross-Training for Runners | Staying Healthy and Happy

As we enter the fall season of sports, cross country season is kicking into high gear. Middle and high schoolers ...

Mom Docs

Talking to Your Teen About Safe Driving

Having a new driver in the house can be an exciting time for both you and your teen. However, it ...