Sharing wellness stories from our children to yours. Serving the health needs for all children and families across 50 states and over 80 countries.

Mom Docs
Mom Docs

How to Make Halloween Less Scary for Children

Halloween can be a wonderful and exciting time of the year for our children. They love to dress up, eat ...

Mom Docs

Ear Wax: Symptoms of Buildup and Treatments

Earwax is a normal, natural protectant the body produces that lubricates and cleans the ears. However, too much wax can ...

Mom Docs

Bumps and Bruises in Children: What’s Normal

Bumps and bruises in children are expected throughout their childhood, but what is considered to be normal? Dr. Jamie Kondis ...

Mom Docs

STARS Program Helps First Responders Improve Care for Kids with Complex Medical Needs

Because of incredible advances in medicine over the last 50 years, the number of children living with complex medical conditions ...

Mom Docs

How to Easily Give Your Child Ear Drops

Children are known for not wanting to sit still for long periods of time, so it is common for parents ...

Mom Docs

How to Properly Care for Your Vulva and Vagina

It’s easy to take care of our kids’ hygiene needs when they are babies – diapering, wipes, baths and special ...

Mom Docs

Asthma Information for Caregivers

 Whether your child is with a babysitter, at school, or with another guardian, providing asthma information for caregivers to ...

Mom Docs

NyQuil chicken? Yes, really!

Yet another dangerous video challenge on social media is targeting our youth and posing a significant danger to our kids ...

Mom Docs

Causes of Nosebleeds and What to Do When They Happen

Nosebleeds can be distressing for parents but are easily managed. Dr. Jamie Kondis, Pediatrician at St. Louis Children’s Hospital, explains ...