Sharing wellness stories from our children to yours. Serving the health needs for all children and families across 50 states and over 80 countries.

Patient Stories

Journey Into motherhood as an Adult Congenital Heart Disease Patient

When Kelsey Beelman was 2 weeks old, her pediatrician heard a heart murmur. “My parents knew it wasn’t good when ...

Mom Docs

Adolescent Medicine Doctors: Offering Supplementary Teen Care

What do you do when your child becomes a teen and hits puberty? Your pediatrician doesn’t seem to have the ...

Mom Docs

OTC Medication for Your Kids: What to Grab and Avoid

Your child wakes you up at 3:00 a.m. coughing. Great, so much for those eight hours of sleep you promised ...

Mom Docs

Ask the Experts: Flu and COVID-19 Vaccines

It’s flu season. Have you received your flu shot yet? With both flu and COVID-19 still active in our community ...

Mom Docs

Breath-Holding Spells: Everything Parents Need to Know

If your child appeared to have a seizure, it would be quite terrifying. But what appears to be a seizure ...

Mom Docs

Is a Midwife Right for You? | Benefits of Choosing a Midwife

Did you know that midwives do a whole lot more than deliver babies at home? Learn more as Kari Reimann ...

Mom Docs

Cough it Up: When to Worry About Your Kid’s Cough

What is a cough? A cough is a natural response of the body to clear the airway of an irritant ...

Mom Docs

The Flu Shot: Why It’s Especially Important This Year

It’s that time of year again. Flu shot time! Dr. Hilary Babcock, a Washington University Infectious Disease Physician, discusses influenza ...

Mom Docs

Stretching Routines for Young Athletes: Avoiding Injury and Soreness

Stretching is a topic that comes up both in my office and at home with my kids. One of my ...