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Mom Docs

Developmental Milestones – Does my child have a delay?

The first five years of a child’s life are an amazing time of development and what happens during those years ...

Mom Docs

Stressed and Depressed– 8 Ways Teens are Hurting Themselves On Purpose

American teens are stressed and depressed. As a pediatrician, I see the suicide attempts, the overdoses, and all the new ...

Mom Docs

Home, Sweet, Valentine’s Day!

Can you bond with your kids during this Hallmark Holiday? I know this is the second Valentine-related post of the ...

Mom Docs

Our Valentine for parents: 10 ways to love your kids (without words – or candy!)

Forget the candy and spend your Valentine’s day focused on loving your kids. Your happiness will last much longer than ...

Mom Docs

Teens and Dating: A Parent’s Guide

Do you have a teenager? If the answer is yes, it is very likely that he or she is dating ...

Mom Docs

Bedtime with the iPad: Total Mom Fail

It’s 10:15 pm and my 2 1/2 –year-old is still awake, touching my mouse while I try to type. She ...

Mom Docs

Child Behavior Problems? 3 steps to getting help

“I really need to start exercising,” I think as I sit helping myself to my daughter’s leftover holiday candy. I ...

Mom Docs

Having a dog can help AND hurt your child. Are you pro dog?

Having a dog when you are a baby can actually protect you from developing asthma and allergies later in life ...

Mom Docs

Why spanking does not work

I was shocked when I read a recent study in Pediatrics and learned more than 50% of American parents still ...