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Mom Docs

Who says mermaids are not brown? Talking to kids about race

I like to lay down at night with my 4-year-old daughter for a few minutes because she often will share ...

Mom Docs

Weighted Blankets – Avoid a Tragic Mistake

Seven-month-old Owen was found dead in his crib, under the weighted blanket his daycare providers hoped would help soothe him ...

Mom Docs

Treating the Terrible Twos and Beyond

Everybody knows the phrase “the terrible twos.” But what makes the twos so special? Is it just because the phrase ...

Mom Docs

Some food for thought on food allergies

Some airlines are serving pretzels instead of peanuts. Schools designate special tables for children who can’t touch a PB&J sandwich ...

Mom Docs

Top 15 apps and web sites for kids, 2015 edition

The American Academy of Pediatrics says that kids should not have more than 2 hours per day of “recreational” screen ...

Mom Docs

Teaching teens to volunteer; the importance of community service

Teenagers are not only an extremely valuable resource of energy, good will and creativity, but also the key to our ...

Mom Docs

Begin the year with an attitude of gratitude: 12 tips to teach your kids

Tired of bickering, jealousy, and selfishness? Kids are naturally materialistic and self-serving– but the good news is that gratitude can ...

Mom Docs

So what’s all this talk about measles, anyway?

The latest news headlines are filled with mentions of a measles outbreak now linked to theme parks in California. Visitors ...

Mom Docs

Tongue-Tied Newborn? A Quick, Painless Frenectomy May Be The Answer.

Anne was worried about breastfeeding her new son, James. She had struggled to breastfeed her daughter, Samantha, now 2. Initially ...