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Expert Advice
Expert Advice

Shaping a Better Future for Babies

For babies with a misshapen head, a few months of painless, noninvasive helmet therapy can give the face and skull ...

Expert Advice

Spruce Up Spring Break

Though your children may try to spend most of spring break in front of a television, tablet or smartphone, you ...

Expert Advice

Your Child’s First Cell Phone

When should parents take the plunge? “Cell phones are part of modern life, and kids will need them eventually,” says ...

Expert Advice

Emergency Preparedness 101

Do your children know what to do in an emergency? Are your children starting to stay home alone? Help prepare ...

Expert Advice

Energy Drain

Many teenagers are turning to energy drinks as a way to stay awake and alert during school and sports, but ...

Expert Advice

Safe Sleep for Babies: Ways to Prevent SIDS in Infants 0-12 Months

Understanding safe sleep best practices will greatly reduce your baby’s risk of suffering a sleep-related infant death, like sudden infant ...

Expert Advice

MIBG Therapy Targets High-Risk Neuroblastoma

St. Louis Children’s Hospital and Washington University School of Medicine have joined a Children’s Oncology Group (COG) clinical trial to ...

Expert Advice

My Child Needs to See a Doctor! The Top 10 Reasons to Go Straight to the Emergency Room.

When your child is sick or injured, there are several options for receiving medical care. Should you call your pediatrician ...

Expert Advice

Don’t Lose Your Head

St. Louis Children's Hospital explains the key differences between headaches and migraines and the symptoms they cause in children. ...