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Medical specialists at St. Louis Children's Hospital practice some of the most innovative treatments available, due in part to their affiliation with the Washington University School of Medicine. Features of the program include:

Conditions treated

Evaluating lung function 

To accurately diagnose and treat pediatric patients with allergy or pulmonary difficulties, the specialists utilize a fully equipped Pulmonary Function Laboratory to evaluate all aspects of lung function including:

  • Assessment of airflow via spirometry with and without bronchodilator therapy
  • Lung volume determination via body plethysmography and/or nitrogen washout
  • Measurement of oxygenation via diffusion capacity and arterial blood gas measurement
  • Muscle strength assessment
  • Assessment of airway reactivity elicited via methacholine challenge, cold air inhalation, and/or exercise
  • Evaluation of fitness via maximal cardiopulmonary stress testing
  • Infant pulmonary function studies to include rapid thoracoabdominal compressions, nitrogen washout lung volumes, single breath occlusion compliance, and response to carbon dioxide inhalation
  • Respiratory induction plethysmography

Home care

Evaluating and treating a child's allergy or pulmonary disorder is only part of the care provided by the professionals at St. Louis Children's Hospital. Many of the difficulties children endure also require extensive treatment at home. Therefore, educating parents and caregivers about home care and progress monitoring is a primary concern for the Allergy and Pulmonary Medicine staff. In most instances, the staff works with other team members throughout the hospital, such as Social workchild life services and physical therapy, to provide parents with the education and assistance they need to care for their children.

Why Choose Us?

St. Louis Children’s Hospital is consistently ranked among the nation’s best pediatric hospitals by U.S. News & World Report, the most comprehensive source of quality-related information on U.S. pediatric hospitals. We follow one simple mission – to do what’s right for kids. That mission comes to life through medical discovery, innovative therapies and compassionate care.

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