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At the Down Syndrome Center, we want to help your child reach his or her full potential in all aspects of life. To achieve that goal, proper health care is instrumental in your child’s development.

That’s why our comprehensive, multi-disciplinary center focuses on helping to ensure that each child’s medical, developmental and psychological needs are met.

Our Center accepts patients of any age through age 21, including prenatally diagnosed cases. Families with babies diagnosed with Down syndrome prenatally are welcome to visit the Center before their child is born.

View a medical animation about Down syndrome.

About the Center

The Center is directed by the Division of Genetics and Genomic Medicine, Department of Pediatrics, Washington University School Medicine. Our Center accepts patients of any age through age 21, including prenatally diagnosed cases. We offer specialty care in the following areas:

Why Choose the Down Syndrome Center?

We use a team approach that focuses on your child’s individual development needs and goals. In addition to this comprehensive care, we strive to make visits as convenient and simple for you as possible. We arrange appointments at one location, and in an efficient manner, with all the specialists your child needs to see.

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We offer world-class care to children thanks in part to generous gifts from hundreds of people who have joined us in making health care better for all children. This philanthropic support enables us to fulfill our mission to do what's right for kids.

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